
Client Testimonials
"He was clear, professional, strategic and respectful..."
"Chris let the client who wouldn't pay me know from day one they were not going to get away with it. He kept the pressure on them and had them rocked back on their heels playing defense. He resolved my issue quickly and in my favor. With me, he was clear, professional, strategic and respectful. With the bad guys, he was their nightmare. He had a great strategy that used my fees to the best effect, kept costs down, and expedited the solution."
"Fully understands how to navigate the federal court system…"
"Knowledgeable about all areas of employment law and fully understands how to navigate the federal court system."
"He is an aggressive attorney…"
"He is an aggressive attorney - he also understands how to work effectively with opposing counsel. Chris went up against one of the top law firms in New York City and was able to resolve the issue 100% to my satisfaction."
"Mr. Davis was very responsive and used every tool at his disposal…"
"I can only say that Mr. Davis was very responsive and used every tool at his disposal (e-mail, staff, phone, etc) to keep me in the loop at every step in the process. Further if I were concerned or had questions, he took the time to explain the situation to me in lay-man's terms."
"Very effective attorney…"
"Very effective attorney, particularly in class actions…he has a very reassuring manner, is an excellent communicator, and proved to be a formidable attorney against our large corporate defendant."
"I could not have been more pleased…"
"Chris Davis was amazingly helpful, patient, diligent and smart when he worked on my case. I could not have been more pleased and I highly recommend him."
"I knew I was dealing with a true gentleman who honestly wanted to help me…"
"I initially spoke to Mr. Davis for about an hour by phone, and by the time we had finished our call, I knew I was dealing with a true gentleman who honestly wanted to help me. He answered my questions in an intelligent, straight-forward manner, was clear about what I might expect in the days ahead, and kept in constant communication with me by email and phone during the entire period of our involvement."
"I was extremely satisfied with the results of my dealings with Mr. Davis…"
"I was extremely satisfied with the results of my dealings with Mr. Davis and the Ottinger Firm, and would gladly recommend them to others; in fact, I already have. When I returned to my workplace, I was told by several people that, historically speaking, few if any other employees had been able to retain their positions when faced with the kind of kangaroo court I had been subjected to."
"For this I have only Mr. Davis to thank…"
"Thanks to Mr. Davis, I was also given other options to resolve the situation; I chose to return to my employer. I have returned to my workplace and have thrived since I’ve been back. For this I have only Mr. Davis to thank."
"Our exchange made me feel better about humanity as a whole…"
"One doesn’t encounter many truly decent people these days, and I consider myself to have been extremely lucky, even blessed, to have found Mr. Davis on the other end of the phone when I made that initial call. Our exchange made me feel better about humanity as a whole, and that’s not something one can say too often with any honesty in life.”