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Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

All communications with lawyers or staff via this website or any other platform relating to the Firm's practice are kept strictly confidential. Information shared with our firm will not be released publicly but may be shared internally between staff for the sake of working on your matter. The content of this website or any other firm advertising is offered for informational purposes only and does not contain or constitute legal advice or guarantee of any specific result or outcome.  There may be information on this site that is inaccurate, incomplete, or no longer current for your specific situation. The Working Solutions Law Firm makes no warranty, express or implied, about the reliability or accuracy of the information on this website or any other website to which it is linked.

Viewing this website, alone, is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship between you and The Working Solutions Law Firm and you should not act or depend on this site’s information without seeking an attorney’s advice.  Statements on this website are also not intended to create any promises of results. Discussion of selected cases, job titles or industries on this website are not necessarily representative of all results obtained by The Working Solutions Law Firm.  Each individual's facts and circumstances may differ from a subject referenced on this site.  You should consult an attorney with any questions or for legal advice on your specific circumstances.  You should also be aware that the Statute of Limitations (the deadline imposed by law within which you may bring a lawsuit) may severely limit the time remaining for you to file any potential claims you may have.

The Working Solutions Law Firm has offices in New York, NY, Boston, MA and Livingston, NJ.   We also have affiliations in particular cases with attorneys licensed to practice in other jurisdictions within the country.  Individual attorneys at The Working Solutions Law Firm are licensed to practice in the state(s) listed on their individual attorney profiles.

Please do not communicate with us using your employer's computer.  If you e-mail The Working Solutions Law Firm please remember that any such communication may not be secure, depending on computer technology and network issues.  Sending our firm an e-mail message or other inquiry, including teleconference or in-person "case consultations", does not make you a client of The Working Solutions Law Firm.

If you communicate with us through this site or otherwise in connection with a matter for which we do not already represent you, it is possible that your communication may not be treated as privileged or confidential.  The Working Solutions Law Firm, however, will to the full extent permitted under the law protect your name and confidential information against disclosure, publication or unauthorized use.

In some jurisdictions this website may be classified as advertising.  This website does not solicit clients and does not propose any type of transaction or specific advice.  It is general legal advice not offered in the context of an attorney client relationship.  You should not act or rely on any information on this website without seeking the advice of a licensed attorney in your state.  Further, should you consider hiring an attorney, the hiring of an attorney is an important decision that should not be based solely upon written information about our qualifications and experience.  Our firm requires personal contact in person or by phone prior to retention.

The Working Solutions Law Firm has tried to comply with all legal and ethical requirements in compiling this website.  This website may contain links to external websites and other resources on the Internet.  Those links have been provided to help viewers identify and locate other resources on the Internet, but the links are not intended to imply that The Working Solutions Law Firm expressly or impliedly sponsors, endorses, or is affiliated or associated in any way with the information or companies referred to on those other websites.

To the extent the State Bar Rules in your jurisdiction require us to designate a principal office responsible for this website, The Working Solutions Law Firm's main office is located in New York County, NYC.  To the extent the State Bar rules require us to designate a principal office and/or single attorney responsible for this site, The Working Solutions Law Firm designates Christopher Q. Davis, The Working Solutions Law Firm, 80 Broad Street, Suite 703, NY, NY 10004 as the attorney responsible for this site.  One or more lawyers at The Working Solutions Law Firm are admitted to practice by the bar of the States of New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts.

The Working Solutions Law Firm does not offer any guarantee of case results.  Past success in litigation does not guarantee success in any new or future lawsuit.

The images and content on this website are the property of The Working Solutions Law Firm and are otherwise not for private or public use or distribution.

The phrase "Working Solutions Law Firm" is a registered DBA. The legal name of the firm is either "The Law Office of Christopher Q. Davis, PLLC" or "The Working Solutions Law Firm, PLLC".